Making money with mobile retail

80% of retailers that have implemented mobile POS in their stores have found that it increases sales.
A POS running on iPad enables you to:
- Reduce check-out abandonment by closing sales immediately, with no lines
- Pull up product information, photos, and current inventory – right from the sales floor
- Sell anywhere by bringing your POS with you to pop-up shops or local markets
It’s easier than you think. Watch this recorded presentation to find out how.
Making money with mobile retail
80% of retailers that have implemented a mobile POS in their stores have found that it increases sales. Learn how you can too!

80% of retailers that have implemented mobile POS in their stores have found that it increases sales.
An iPad POS enables you to:
- Reduce checkout abandonment rates by closing sales on the spot from anywhere in your store
- Significantly reduce wait times
- Pull up product information, photos, and current inventory right from the sales floor
- Sell anywhere by bringing your POS with you to pop-up shops or local markets
- Check upon your sales and reports from anywhere in the world
- & much more
Make the leap to cloud-based technology today – it’s easier than you think.
Watch this recorded presentation to find out how to start making more revenue with mobile retail technology.