Make the most of the Lightspeed Golf ambassador program

Earn extra income by helping spread the word about Lightspeed.

Share your Lightspeed Golf experience, your way.

Spread the word

Get $1000 for every referral that becomes a Lightspeed Golf customer.

Pick up the phone

Earn $100 every time a potential customer calls you to learn more about your experience with Lightspeed Golf.

Let's modernize the golf industry together.

Help us grow the Lightspeed family and bring innovation to golf courses across the globe.

  • Improve the customer experience of golfers everywhere
  • Bring the golf industry to new heights with technology
  • Reinvent the way golf courses operate and generate revenue

Your level of involvement is up to you.

Everyone wins when you help fellow golf course operators make the switch to Lightspeed Golf—whether you are a passive or active ambassador.

  • Share your experience over the phone and earn $100
  • Get $1000 if one of your referrals becomes a customer
  • Help other facilities increase revenues with a powerful solution

Refer a course below

Every time one of our registered ambassadors refers a golf course that becomes a Lightspeed Golf customer, they’re entitled to receive $1000. Refer a facility in the form below.

Log a call below

Our registered ambassadors earn $100 for every potential customer they discuss with over the phone. Log your calls in the form below.