Centralized ordering has come to MerchantOS! The model behind this feature is having one location (warehouse or distribution center) that handles everything your business needs to (re)order across all shops. The Master Order feature can be utilized by single location shops to easily manage orders between multiple vendors.

It wasn’t impossible to do this before, it just wasn’t easy. What I’m about to cover now is just how easy it is to order inventory from one location, yet manage multiple stores. If the shelves are looking bare at your shop, you can use transfers to place your order from your warehouse instead of your vendor. This can save your business the shipping expenses and the time it takes to manage your warehouse.

Read all about Master Orders in MerchantOS Help →

While we do have a help article covering the basics, I’m sure some of you will have questions or feedback about Master Orders. Feel free to leave them in the comments below or contact support at [email protected] or chat now with one of our reps.
