New Features

  • Ad-hoc Refunds and Default Cost: When you initiate an Ad-hoc Refund for an item, Lightspeed Retail now uses the item’s Default Cost when adding the item back to inventory (even if the Default Cost is set to 0$). CLD-10665
  • Support for new regions/locales: We now offer the Colombia (CO) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) locales. CLD-10930 and CLD-10934
  • New API: We’ve added a new read-only API endpoint to report on image usage information for products (for example, current number of images per product, the size of images, etc.). CLD-10901

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

  • Taxes in Canada (for Retail/eCom merchants): For products ordered through an eCom store, Lightspeed Retail now takes into account the tax structure (HST vs. GST/PST) of the province where the products will be shipped, and calculates taxes accordingly. CLD-9898
  • On-screen help for Purchase Order Imports: The help text on Purchase Order Imports now accurately displays the maximum number of lines you can import on a Purchase Order – 500 (instead of 50). CLD-10608
  • Closing Counts Report: We’ve removed the All Shops option from the Shops filter of the Register Closing Counts report, as this report is better suited for reporting on individual registers; this also improves the performance of the report. CLD-10636
  • API fixes:
    • We fixed an issue where the API returns an invalid format for empty notes on inventory items. CLD-10980
    • We fixed an issue where attributes for a Matrix item are blank when the Matrix is created through the API. CLD-6498
  • Taxes on Work orders: We fixed an issue where Work Orders for tax inclusive stores show line items as tax exclusiveCLD-10695
  • Refunds: We fixed an issue where refunds to a specific payment type does not work. CLD-11182
  • Pages in Retail: We fixed an issue where certain pages may not display in Retail Manager. CLD-11186